Friday, March 5, 2010

Gimme a break !!

Well, it is a Friday, and it is also the day after we have discovered that Pat will be retiring from the Air Force soon. I have yet to speak to him about this, however we do communicate through emails at the moment. The time difference can take a toll on the communications!!

The boys get to be a handful quite often, and I am drained many days. Many nights are not with decent sleep, and the alarm clock rings when I feel as though I have just closed my eyes.  So here I am with 3 kids, sleep deprived, and they usually fight over something.

It's time for mom to try to get a night out. So, I find out there is a local scrapbooking crop at a nearby store. YAY! I LOVE scrapbooking!! So I sign up, I find a babysitter, and life is good ! I have something to look forward to! I think all morning long, about which pictures/project I want to work on.  By lunch time, I go online to check my email, and there it was. The email from the scrapbooking store. It read:
"Tonight's crop cancelled" . I was stunned. What?? Why??

As I read on, it stated that there was a lack of participation. I was thinking that perhaps I was the only one who signed up for this crop night? I don't know. Well, not that it matters anyways, they closed up at 7. I had no other plans. I was so bummed out. Scrapbooking is my outlet! I don't even care if I don't know anyone else- (my husband will tell you that I talk to anyone, so that never stops me). I go to these things by myself anyways. So, I relutantly called the sitter and cancelled. I was so bummed out. I just did not have any other plans for tonight, and I felt tired. So here I am, the kids will be in bed soon (hopefully). They have fights, oh, about maybe once an hour, over various things... enough to drive me crazy.  I just wished that my night out would have worked out. It isnt like I go out often... and yes, I can scrapbook at home, however it isn't always easy with 3 kids wanting to steal your tools and supplies, and distracting you, and what have you. So, I guess, better luck next time. 

I hope that the next crop will be more popular, and hopefully it won't be cancelled. This particular place offers it twice monthly on Friday nights, and I think once a month on Sundays. I haven't been to the Sunday crop yet, as I take my kids to church on Sundays. By the time we get out of church, the crop is more than halfway over. I may as well forget about it. I wish that there were more options available to me in the area. Not a lot of scrapbooking places around. Even Michael's Arts & Crafts store stopped their scrapbooking crops! Geez I feel like I can't win !!  Oh well, better luck next time.

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